Bitter-Root "Little Mango"
Lewisia cotyledon L.
2.74€ 2.98€
Ex Tax: 2.25€
Ex Tax: 2.25€
Bitter-Root "Little Mango" - Lewisia longipetala.
Lewisia grows in the western part of North America and is one of the most valuable plants in rock gardens. They form low, fleshy rosettes of tough, evergreen leaves, with large, star-shaped flowers in late spring and early summer. This selection features mango flowers with contrasting red stamens. Prone to re-bloom in autumn. Best in a cool rock garden with excellent drainage. Great for stone walls, gravel screes or alpine gutters. In hot summer climates, they do best in partial shade. Certain death is trying to grow lewisia in medium border conditions. Drought tolerant after planting.
Lewisia grows in the western part of North America and is one of the most valuable plants in rock gardens. They form low, fleshy rosettes of tough, evergreen leaves, with large, star-shaped flowers in late spring and early summer. This selection features mango flowers with contrasting red stamens. Prone to re-bloom in autumn. Best in a cool rock garden with excellent drainage. Great for stone walls, gravel screes or alpine gutters. In hot summer climates, they do best in partial shade. Certain death is trying to grow lewisia in medium border conditions. Drought tolerant after planting.